Monday, March 1, 2010

Bad effects of the fast food

As we are all aware of the ill effect of fast food, drastic steps should be taken to reduce the consumption of fast food as soon as possible.
Malaysians ecspecialy the younger generation choose fast food over traditional food because they think fast food are more cheaper and convenience compared to the old traditional food. But most of the traditional foods are easier to be prepared, can be prepared by anyone at home and more cheaper. In the other hand, most of the fast foods only can be baught from fast food outlets.
Traditional food might be alternative to fast food if it had been promoted wisely. To be more effective, traditional food should be introduced from kindergarden itself so the youngs wil be familiar with traditional food and it’s taste as well. This can also could prevent the obession to fast foods.
Futhermore, Malaysians should be educated of the dangerousness of this fast foods. A recent study conducted by the Oxford University shows that almost 70 % of the respondents don’t know that fast food could cause cancer! In our society itself, not many people are concern what kind of food they are taking which is caused by lack of infomations on healthy food.

The awareness should not be only concerntrated on younger generation only but also other part of society because not only younger generation who consumes fast food. Reading materials such as flyers, books and so on can be placed at public places regarding the effects of fast food and proper ways reduce its consumption.
By knowing this information, public will more concern of their health and will try their best to lead a healthy life style. So they will obviously lessen the intake of fast food in their daily life and also will practise other type of other than fast food. To be more effective, medias should play vital roles in spreading infomaton like what they are doing now about smoke and it’s effect.
In a more progressive manner, government could play a very important role too. It may implement higher taxes fast food and give more subsidies for non fast food outlets. This eventually will lead to more non fast food outlets compared to fast food outlets. Imedeatly public will have less choice on fast food and automatically will turn up to non fast food outlets. The subsidi will help and encourage more non fast food enterprenuers so that could with fast food outlets. In the other hand, high taxes on fast food will make consumers to think of other alternatives and as time goes they will move on to other options.
This might seem some sort of unfairness but lets take a minute, how many fast food restaurants do really care about their customers in every aspect that they could? All they want is 100 % profits and they will do whatever to dump their products on us without thinking of the consequences on our health.
Nowadays there are also ready made fast foods which can be prepared easily at home. Implimentation of taxes and subsidies alone would not realy help this problem to be solved.In my opinion, quota also should be implemented on these ready made fast food to reduce the usage of it when the import of these foods are lessen, the price will hike up and will make users to choose other kind of food.
